Now that you have built and deployed your first TigerAware study, you are ready to enroll participants. In this tutorial, we will cover:
- Enrolling participants using the TigerAware mobile application
- Tracking participant progress
- Exporting participant responses
Enrolling participants using the TigerAware mobile application
Once you have created an account for your participant and added their email as a participant in the administration page, they are ready to enroll in the project. After a participant downloads TigerAware from the App Store or Google Play Store and opens the application, they will be prompted to enter a passphrase. Participants should enter Research as the passphrase unless your lab is configured to a specialized system. Next, participants will log into the application using the email address you used to add them to your project on the administration page.
Participants will be able to immediately complete surveys if they are not triggered by notifications or part of a burst design. If you configured notifications, participants will begin to receive prompts the day after they log into the TigerAware mobile application for the first time.
Tracking participant progress
As participants begin to complete their surveys, you can monitor their progress by clicking their user name on the administration page of the dashboard. This will enable you to monitor their survey responses and prompts received in real-time at the bottom of the administration page.
In addition, the dashboard provides aggregate compliance metrics such as the number of days of participation, the total survey reminders received, and user compliance. To view current participant involvement, click "View Notifications" under User Participation.
Note: Notification and survey response data is only updated when the user opens the TigerAware mobile application. If it appears that they haven't completed surveys or received notifications for several days, first check with the participant to verify they are still using the mobile application.
Participants can also monitor their personal progress by logging in on the study management dashboard with their user account. There, they can send messages to project administrators if necessary. You can learn more about the features available to participants here.
Exporting participant responses
As participants complete responses, you can easily download their results via CSV using several methods:
- Project page: export responses for all surveys and all uses
- Survey page: export responses for all users in a specific survey
- Administration page: export responses for a specific user for all surveys in the project
- Server API: export responses programmatically using an authenticated HTTPs call
There you have it, you have now built, deployed, managed, and downloaded results for your first study. Stay tuned for more information explaining how to configure advanced features on your next project.
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